Monday, July 6, 2009


A lonely bird flies across the sky
Brilliant... gliding wings fly
A single squeak sounds from the sky
Come fly with me... be here to fly

My timbre floats to be a part
I feel the beating in my heart
My spirit, one with this bird of sea
Now knows how worth is to fly free

I feel the winds deep in my soul
And soar are the streams without a goal
My being tizzies of delight
A treasure I received tonight

The seagull's flying at great height
The gift of what it means to fly

Friday, July 3, 2009

Afraid to lose?

What would you do if you were not afraid of failing?
or rather if you were assured that you wouldn't fail..
Think about it...
The fear of failure... It cripples you like any other fear...
You don't even try because you are afraid of failing.
How about conquering this fear ? You could keep trying and keep losing.
But you haven't lost until you admit defeat, until you have lost in your mind.
How many times have you said to yourself, "If only I had tried... !"
But if you don't even try, you have already lost.
You lose just because you are afraid to lose...
Ironic.. isn't it?